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Zion Ponderosa: Stewards of the land and the budget

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Zion Ponderosa: Stewards of the land and the budget

“The card users love it. They can just snap a picture of the receipt and throw it away. It takes a load off the financial managers shoulders as staff members are now responsible for tracking and accounting for their expenditures.”

The summary

The staff at Zion Ponderosa Ranch Resort believe in being stewards of the land; unfortunately, they weren’t always stewards of their finances.

“We were sharing credit cards, chasing down receipts, and just didn’t have control over spend. By switching over to BILL Spend & Expense, we’ve transferred buying power to all of our managers. It’s a lot more friendly.”

Switching to BILL Spend & Expense has helped both team members and managers to be more responsible with the company money.

The biggest help for Lynette is that she now knows who made the charge: “If an employee says, ‘I didn’t spend that,’ I say, ‘It’s on your credit card. Let me show you.’”

This helps the Ponderosa Resort team to stay within budget, but also empowers them to spend where they need to. Employees simply ask for approval above the limit if they need more funds.

Lynette doesn’t always approve the request if it doesn’t align with company goals, but employees love how easy the approval and expensing process is.

“The card users love it. Like when they run to Walmart, they can just snap a picture of the receipt and throw it away instead of trying to hang onto it and not lose it. They have loved it—and I love the power to turn off the card if they don’t upload their receipts.”

Better control. Better visibility. Better stewardship. That’s why Ponderosa Resort chooses BILL Spend & Expense.


Our goal is to inspire the love of Zion within every staff member and guest, as we share our story which has made us who we are today. Come and experience Zion Ponderosa and learn why we were awarded one of “America’s Top Six Adventure Resorts.



Company size



East Zion National Park

Customer since


Products used

BILL Spend & Expense

Before BILL Spend & Expense:
  • Shared credit cards
  • Lost receipts
  • No budgeting software
After BILL Spend & Expense:
  • Cards for every spender
  • Mobile app for receipt upload
  • Software with budget limits

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