payment approvals

Simplify, accelerate, and control your payment approval process

Save time and gain more control by streamlining and customizing your AP approval groups and policies.
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Greater visibility and control over the entire AP process

Track approvals every step of the way

Check approval status anytime and send reminders with the touch of a button.

Maintain separation of duties

Control which bills need approval, by whom, and when approvals are due.

Increase fraud protection

Require a second approval with dual control1 to minimize fraud and errors.

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Payments approved 2-3x faster

No more manual payment approvals

Request and accept approvals electronically instead of chasing down physical signatures.

Automatic routing

Send the right invoices to the right people, at the right time.

Approvals on the go

Verify and accept approvals digitally using the mobile app—anywhere, anytime.

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Custom approval policies that fit your business

Customize groups

Easily designate approval group members and associated responsibilities.

Tailor specific policies

Set up custom policies based on required approvers, dollar amounts, and more.

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Expense Management with approval flows for every business

Post transaction review

Choose which transactions need to be approved, who needs to approve them, and if the approvals can be made sequentially or non-sequentially.

Customizable approval flows

Add and remove layers of approval to match your org chart and apply these custom flows to transactions and reimbursements.

Track and manage approvals in real-time

View what transactions need approval from your BILL Spend & Expense dashboard where you can easily approve and deny pending transactions.

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Businesses recognize the benefits of streamlined approvals

“With BILL's automated scheduling and approval features, we're saving at least one or two full time salaries every year.”
- Lori Brown, SVP and corporate controller, Merchant e-Solutions

Frequently asked questions

What are approval groups?
Approval groups are a designated group of approvers you set up and assign to bills or policies, then any approver in the group can approve the bill. You can use approval groups, single-user approvers, or a combination of both. Once one approver from the group has approved, the bill is routed to the next approver/approval group, or is marked as approved if no more approvers are listed.
Can I make changes to approval policies after they've been created?
Editing or deleting a policy will only apply to future bills/vendor credits. Changes are not retroactive meaning that bills that are already created would need to be edited manually to reflect the new policies. Administrators can pay unapproved bills, as long as those bills have the required approvers assigned.
Can I customize my own approval process?
Users with appropriate permissions can view bill approval options in the settings. Only Administrators or users with custom roles that include permissions to edit company preferences can manage approval preferences and policies.
Can I disable approvals?
If you no longer want new bills to require approval(s) before you pay them, you can disable approvals.
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Say goodbye to the hassle of manual payment approvals

Join the millions who pay or get paid with BILL.

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