Marketing your firm to attract talent

Growth-oriented firms are always on the lookout for new talent. Here are four tips on how you can market to talent in a way that stands out.

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Growth-oriented firms are always on the lookout for new talent. But a tight market for new accountants makes it even more important to revisit your hiring strategy—including how you’re marketing to future talent.  

Here are four tips on how you can go beyond the basics and market to talent in a way that stands out.

1. Evaluate why employees stay

Successful marketing starts with research.

Take time to evaluate your employee experience and understand why your top performers stay. This can be accomplished via interviews, surveys, and candid feedback. An evaluation of this type prevents a revolving door where new talent joins but experienced talent leaves. At the end of this step, you’ll have a better understanding of your firm’s strengths and weaknesses—valuable data to have when recruiting talent.

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2. Lead with your culture

Your firm’s culture is the ultimate competitive differentiator. When prospective candidates are exploring employment opportunities, they’re often looking for more than just a paycheck. They’re often seeking a job where they feel they belong and can thrive.

Concentrate on how you are promoting your firm’s culture online. Your website should have information about your company culture and values. Consider including articles or videos that showcase professional development and mentorship programs, team activities, benefits, and unique traditions or values. Do you have flexible working arrangements? Include that too! This is in addition to the standard online employment information such as job listings.

Carry your culture to social media as well. Your firm’s social media activities should reflect your values and how your firm embodies them. Some ideas to consider include posting updates about community involvement, celebrating employee news like promotions, and showcasing employee testimonials. If you aren’t active on social media, consider building a profile on one social media platform and posting once a week. LinkedIn is often a leading candidate for these purposes, since it is centered on careers.

"It is important for everyone in the recruiting process to share the culture and their experience when speaking with a candidate—especially during interviews. I recently had a new hire tell me we didn't share enough about our culture during the interview. Although we had discussed it in our initial call, she didn't fully grasp it until she started her job with us." —Mariah McCarty, BILL Manager, Talent Acquisition

3. Create a referral program

Market to your employees, who represent one of the most effective ways to find top talent. An employee referral program leverages your staff’s networks and helps new additions start with a built-in understanding of your firm’s culture and values.

Construct a referral program with guidelines and incentives for employees who refer eligible candidates to your firm. The incentives can include everything from bonuses to extra vacation days. With this marketing program in place, your team has additional encouragement to refer their talented colleagues and your firm benefits from getting qualified applicants.

Already have an employee referral program? Explore options to extend a similar program to customers who refer talent to your firm.

"Continually revamp the referral program to keep employees incentivized to bring in referrals. Add a special bonus for a really hard position to fill or when you are ramping up a team quickly. Get creative with the referral bonus. It doesn't have to be about money." —Mariah McCarty, BILL Manager, Talent Acquisition

4. Tap into events

Job fairs, industry conferences, and networking events provide excellent opportunities to meet potential candidates. Consider participating in local events as well as accounting organizations at colleges. Offer to host an educational presentation for college students or job seekers. Bring along current employees who can share their personal experiences and answer questions. Events like these will allow you to build relationships with candidates who are already interested in your firm.  

Craft your competitive edge

Attracting top talent to your accounting firm involves more than just offering a good salary. By marketing your firm’s unique culture, leveraging the collective power of your firm’s employees, and engaging with potential hires at events, you can create a compelling case for why talented professionals should choose your firm.

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