There are multiple ways to quickly import your invoices into BILL, with little to no manual entry required.
Get startedTailor your approval workflows to fit your business rules, and BILL handles the routing for you.
Get startedWith access to millions of vendors over the BILL network and more payment options—from ACH to credit card, check, and international wire transfer—you have more flexibility and control over payments.
Get startedReduce manual data entry, reconcile accounts faster, and improve team productivity using automatic 2-way sync with leading accounting systems.
Get startedGet the complete picture of money coming in and out of your business to make more informed decisions, faster.
Work in one system that easily syncs both ways with your accounting software. There's no need for separate software solutions for each side of your cash flows.
Reap the benefits from both sides of the platform. Get paid two times faster and save up to 50% of time spent on accounts payable.*
*Based on a 2021 survey of over 2000 BILL customers
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